This is the chassis I will be starting my build with. The frame came from Walker's Frame Shop at the 405 and the 710 freeway interchange, if I remember correctly. I purchased it a few years ago. At the time, Scott Craig and I were collaborating on a clear outer primary cover and in passing, I mentioned to him that I wanted to build a big twin trike. He told me about a frame that he purchased but returned to Walker's Frame Shop. I guess Walker is quite an abrasive fellow and Scott and he had a few words which, for whatever reason, made him return the frame. He warned me before I made the treck out to the shop that we would get in some sort of argument. I could see where Scott was coming from. Walker started out with the usual "what do you want, kid?" and "that old frame? I can't sell that." We talked a bit and he cooled off. I gave him the run-down of what I wanted to do with it and he agreed to sell it. I think I paid 750.00. As for the rear end, I bought that in a midnight deal at Negotiable Parts in Riverside. 200.00. I had seen it at Long Beach when he used to drive that box van out full of stuff. I got his card and set up a time to buy it out at his shop off of the 91 I think. I was pretty stoked to get that rear end. The chrome isn't good enough to run but it is complete. The rims are genuine servicar. Mason bought those from Ty and brought them over for the project. I think I paid 60.00 for the pair. I guess they are pretty rare and are in great condition. Well, that's my chassis story. Hope you enjoyed it.